Title Page / Preface

2009 Neuroepidemiology  
is a unique congress for many reasons. Neuroepidemiology has been perceived for a long time as a science of incidence, prevalence, risk factors, natural history and prognosis of neurological disorders. However, it is only one part of neuroepidemiology called nonexperimental neuroepidemiology. The other integral, but commonly forgotten, part of neuroepidemiology is an experimental neuroepidemiology, a research based on clinical trials of effectiveness or efficacy of various interventions in
more » ... logical disorders. This International Congress, for the first time, brought together scientists and experts in all major fields of experimental and non-experimental neuroepidemiology. The Congress featured internationally recognized invited speakers, platform lectures, oral presentations and poster sessions, and has provided an ideal platform for continuing education in all fields of experimental and nonexperimental clinical neuroepidemiology.
doi:10.1159/000252941 fatcat:qqyaaxmdtzfkhmcibqhyswvlpy