NF-κB1/IKKε Gene Expression and Clinical Activity in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis

Fabiola Lilí Sarmiento Salinas, Jonnathan Guadalupe Santillán Benítez, María Dolores Hernández Navarro, Hugo Mendieta Zerón
2017 Laboratory medicine  
Objective: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic and autoimmune disorder whose primary characteristic is the chronic inflammation of joints. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether there was an association between nuclear factor kappa beta1/IKK epsilon (NF-κB1/IKKε) gene expression and clinical activity in RA. Methods: Sixty patients with RA were included in the study: 30 with clinical activity and 30 with clinical remission. NF-κB1/IKKε gene expression was performed by real-time
more » ... uantitative polymerase chain reaction through relative quantification with Taqman probes. A ROC curve for NF-κB1 and IKKε was also constructed. Results: There were significant differences in NF-κB1 and IKKε gene expression (P ≤ .001 and P ≤ .029, respectively) between RA patients with clinical activity and clinical remission. The multivariate lineal general model showed that the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs influenced the NF-κB1 (P = .046) and IKKε (P = .005) expression. The ROC curves for the event "clinical activity" showed the greater area under the curve for NF-κB1 (0.827, 95% CI 0.717-0.937), P ≤ .001. Conclusion: Although the use of NSAIDs influences the NF-κB1/IKKε pathway, the IKKε expression might be a useful laboratorial analysis to evaluate the RA clinical activity.
doi:10.1093/labmed/lmx033 pmid:29069487 fatcat:xnbtrqdufbha3h75ddgyyl5dqm