On the issue of using a training ground "Square" for training the patrol-guard service officers

Maxim Yurevich Koynov
2021 Полицейская деятельность  
The research object is the process of teaching police officers the basic elements of patrol-guard service. The research subject is the systematization of using a training ground “Square” as one of effective ways of reinforcing skills required for patrol-guard service. The training ground “Square” is considered as a separate type and means of teaching. The author attempts at solving the problem of using the training ground “Square” for training police officers
more » ... in new conditions connected with the application of interactive technologies and the combination of various elements of the modern process of police officers training.  The author substantiates the role of training grounds in the formation of professional competence of the patrol-guard service officers. The author formulates the main requirements to the module configuration and technical equipment of the training ground “Square”. The research reveals the peculiarities of conducting classes on a training ground, the author analyzes the use of general pedagogical and special teaching method, and designs a logically structured system of teaching with the help of a training ground. The research can be used for further improvement of the process of patrol-guard officers training. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that it proves the good perspectives of using the training ground “Square” as a means of teaching.  
doi:10.7256/2454-0692.2021.6.36828 fatcat:bi5thktl4beohbt7voefs52goe