AMS volume 19 issue 3 Cover and Front matter

1985 Journal of American Studies  
The British Association for American Studies w a s founded in 1955 to p r o m o t e the study o f the United States within the United K i n g d o m . It w e l c o m e s applications for membership from people interested in the history, society, g o v e r n m e n t and politics, e c o n o m i c s , g e ography, literature and t h o u g h t o f the United States. It publishes a Newsletter twice yearlv, holds an A n n u a l Conference, and provides other services for its members from time to time.
more » ... Enquiries concerning current subscription rates and applications for membership should be addressed to the Secretary, M r R . A . Burchell, Department o f American Studies, University o f Manchester, Manchester M 1 3 9 P L , England.
doi:10.1017/s0021875800015292 fatcat:lteo2x53t5bahpjoijukookzai