Digital video stabilization through curve warping techniques

Angelo Bosco, Arcangelo Bruna, Sebastiano Battiato, Giuseppe Bella, Giovanni Puglisi
2008 IEEE transactions on consumer electronics  
The widespread diffusion of hand-held devices with video recording capabilities requires the adoption of reliable Digital Stabilization methods to enjoy the acquired sequences without disturbing jerkiness. In order to effectively get rid of the unwanted camera movements, an estimate of the global motion between adjacent frames is necessary. This paper presents a novel approach for estimating the global motion between frames using a Curve Warping technique known as Dynamic Time Warping. The
more » ... sed algorithm guarantees robustness also in presence of sharp illumination changes and moving objects 1 .
doi:10.1109/tce.2008.4560078 fatcat:jjlfhe3ikfd67cdtlc2mujh3km