Performance Comparison of Implementation Technologies for Image Quality Enhancement Operations on Android Platforms
Android 플랫폼에서 구현 기술에 따른 화질 개선 연산 성능 비교

Ju-Ho Lee, Goo-Yeon Lee, Choong-Kyo Jeong
2013 Journal of Digital Contents Society  
As mobiles devices with high-spec camera built in are used widely, the visual quality enhancement of the high-resolution images turns out to be one of the key capabilities of the mobile devices. Due to the limited computational resources of the mobile devices and the size of the high-resolution images, we should choose an image processing algorithm not too complex and use an efficient implementation technology. One of the simple and widely used image quality enhancement algorithms is contrast
more » ... retching. Java libraries running on a virtual machine, JNI (Java Native Interface) based native C/C++, and NEON™ SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) are common implementation technologies in the case of Android smartphones. Using these three implementation technologies, we have implemented two image contrast stretching algorithms linear and equalized, and compared the computation times. The native C/C++ and the NEON™ SIMD outperformed the native C/C++ implementation by 56-78 and 50-76 time faster respectively.
doi:10.9728/dcs.2013.14.1.7 fatcat:cfx7hj66mndbzk54bzdx7y4cu4