Comparative efficiency of suturing of defect of kidney after resection with a mesh implant on pigs models

Viktor B. Filimonov, Roman V. Vasin, Ivan S. Sobennikov, Alexandr V. Petryaev
2019 I P Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald  
Aim. Improvement of the quality of the kidney resection. Materials and Methods. A total of 50 laparoscopic kidney resections were performed on pig models. In 25 cases, resection was carried out according to the standard method of hemostasis of the kidney resection bed using U-shaped hemostatic sutures vicryl 3-0. In 25 cases, the kidney resection bed was sutured according to the author's method of hemostasis of the kidney resection bed using a polypropylene mesh. Results. The mean operative
more » ... was comparable in the comparison groups, intraoperative blood loss was 30% lower in the group of pig models operated on with a prolene implant. The mean weight ratio of the resected kidney to the contralateral kidney was 77.3% after the classic resection of kidney and 85.6% after the resection with use of a prolene implant. Conclusion. Laparoscopic kidney resection using a mesh implant is a highly efficient method of kidney resection, providing high-quality hemostasis with less traumatization of healthy renal parenchyma. The proposed method is recommended for further study.
doi:10.23888/pavlovj2019272197-202 fatcat:ysshjl5eijfatpwkyx6yxd6hpu