Clustering of Loose Groups and Galaxies in the Perseus‐Pisces Survey

Roberto Trasarti‐Battistoni, Gianluca Invernizzi, Silvio A. Bonometto
1997 Astrophysical Journal  
We investigate the clustering properties of loose groups in the Perseus--Pisces redshift Survey (PPS). Previous analyses based on CfA and SSRS surveys led to apparently contradictory results. We investigate the source of such discrepancies, finding satisfactory explanations for them. Furthermore, we find a definite signal of group clustering, whose amplitude A_G exceeds the amplitude A_g of galaxy clustering (A_G=14.5^+3.8_-3.0, A_g=7.42^+0.20_-0.19 for the most significant case; distances are
more » ... easured in ). Groups are identified with the adaptive Friends--Of--Friends (FOF) algorithms HG (Huchra & Geller 1982) and NW (Nolthenius & White 1987), systematically varying all search parameters. Correlation strenght is especially sensitive to the sky--link D_L (increasing for stricter normalization D_0), and to the (depth of the) galaxy data. It is only moderately dependent on the galaxy luminosity function ϕ(L), while it is almost insensitive to the redshift--link V_L (both to the normalization V_0 and to the scaling recipes HG or NW).
doi:10.1086/303523 fatcat:g2uk62yrvrhe3kcys4l64icnfm