M.S. Utkina
2019 Legal horizons  
The rapid information system development leads to the emergence of completely new technologies. For solutions to issues related to artificial intelligence, experts in various fields of research are making great efforts. This is due to the fact that in the next 50 years, according to scientists, the achievements in the field of artificial intelligence will almost completely replace people and will perform most of the work that they are currently doing. At the same time, according to the fact of
more » ... he rapid development of innovation and intellectual spheres, it should be noted that artificial intelligence could fundamentally affect the fundamental concepts of their development. At present, we observe that artificial intelligence can be used not only for scientific purposes but also directly for the creation of new objects, works. However, there is no unanimity as to whether or not such work will belong to intellectual property. In the article, it was identified that there is an urgent need for the active development of information technology, regulatory support, and legal regulation of issues related to artificial intelligence. It also was analyzed the provisions for quality new digital authorship, according to which artificial intelligence will independently create works that will be identical and will not be different from the works of the author. It is suggested to consider two key approaches to the works and to divide them into two categories: works created directly by artificial intelligence and work created using (using) artificial intelligence and having fundamentally different provisions. In the article, it was also discussed the term "electronic person". It will have a legal personality which will give an opportunity to determine it as an individual subject of legal relation – in the given case – author. Keywords: author, intellectual property, scientific progress, intellectual property object, artificial intelligence.
doi:10.21272/legalhorizons.2019.i17.p:54 fatcat:lxbsqxnyzrfffczcrawgwbv2hu