An (Un)session: A Copy of a Fake of the Identical Facsimile Reproduced from the Real Original

Kiersten Latham
2014 Proceedings from the Document Academy  
This paper describes one session from the 2014 Document Academy that used an atypical presentation style inspired by the unconference trend. The session explored the meaning and language used to describe and discuss representations of documents and was purposefully open-ended by design. By incorporating the Document Academy participants as active members of the presentation, we were able to create a space that encouraged the sharing of thoughts and expertise leading to rich discussion of the
more » ... posed topic. Here we provide an overview of the process which led to a session centered around collaboration and interaction with the audience and provide a few insights and products that resulted.
doi:10.35492/docam/1/1/5 fatcat:43rxeq3mjfam3fxwfdh2ozpwrm