JMEE Volume I Nomor 2

Dari Keingintahuan, Dan Gaya, Kognitif Peserta, Didik Smp, D Kabupaten, Blora Agung, Putra Wijaya, Suyono Mardiyana, Studi Program, Pendidikan Magister, Matematika
2011 unpublished
The purposes of this study are to know the different effect of each category of learning model, curiosity, and cognitive style, also their interaction towards mathematics achievement. This study is a quasi experimental research with 2x3x2 factorial design. The population is all students of junior high school in Blora. Sampling was done by stratified cluster random technique. The instruments used to collect data are test of prior knowledge in mathematics, curiosity questionnaire, cognitive style
more » ... test (GEFT), and mathematics achievement test. The testing of hypothesis uses three-way analysis of variance with unequal cell. The testing of hypothesis concludes that (1) There is a different effect between each category of learning model. (2) There is a different effect among each category of curiosity. (3) There is a different effect among each category of cognitive style. (4) There is an interaction between learning model and curiosity towards mathematics achievement. (5) There is an interaction between learning model and cognitive style towards mathematics achievement. (6) There is an interaction between curiosity and cognitive style towards mathematics achievement. (7) There is an interaction among learning model, curiosity, and cognitive style towards mathematics achievement. PENDAHULUAN Sejalan dengan paradigma baru pendidikan di Indonesia yang lebih menekankan pada peserta didik sebagai individu yang memiliki potensi untuk belajar dan berkembang, pemerintah mendorong pelaksanaan inovasi pembelajaran matematika yang didasarkan pada teori belajar konstruktivisme untuk jenjang pendidikan dasar dan menengah. Inovasi pembelajaran tersebut diharapkan mampu memberikan tantangan belajar sesuai kemampuan peserta didik dengan memperhatikan perbedaan individual peserta didik.