Quantum field theory of the Casimir force for graphene
G. L. Klimchitskaya
International Journal of Modern Physics A
We present theoretical description of the Casimir interaction in graphene systems which is based on the Lifshitz theory of dispersion forces and the formalism of the polarization tensor in (2+1)-dimensional space-time. The representation for the polarization tensor of graphene allowing the analytic continuation to the whole plane of complex frequencies is given. This representation is used to obtain simple asymptotic expressions for the reflection coefficients at all Matsubara frequencies and
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... investigate the origin of large thermal effect in the Casimir force for graphene. The developed theory is shown to be in a good agreement with the experimental data on measuring the gradient of the Casimir force between a Au-coated sphere and a graphene-coated substrate. The possibility to observe the thermal effect for graphene due to a minor modification of the already existing experimental setup is demonstrated.