Teachers' Job Satisfaction And Desire To Leave The Profession

Vyacheslav Matveev
2021 unpublished
The article is based on the materials of the 2019-2020 survey conducted in such subjects of the Russian Federation as Novgorod region, Altai territory and the city of Saint Petersburg, in order to analyze the process of teachers' job satisfaction in the education system. Along with professional well-being, examines the process of school teachers' readiness to change their profession and the factors influencing the formation of this attitude. Dwelling on the positive trends in the professional
more » ... lf-feeling of teachers, the author shows a group of factors that form a high degree of teacher dissatisfaction with work and form a desire to leave the profession in this part of teachers. It was found that for teachers wishing to leave the profession, the most significant factors of leaving the profession are bureaucratic reporting and dissatisfaction with wages. Separately, the article examines empirical data obtained from a survey of young school teachers who indicated their readiness to leave the profession. In identifying this group, the author proceeded from the fact that in a situation of "aging" of teaching staff, retaining young teachers in the education system is a strategic task. To confirm the obtained results, the paper uses a comparison with the data of monitoring studies carried out over the past five years by Russian analytical centers (Higher
doi:10.15405/epsbs.2021.07.02.75 fatcat:oipjxaisarbe5f45wul75lbsfu