Why is theB→η′XDecay Width So Large?

Igor Halperin, Ariel Zhitnitsky
1998 Physical Review Letters  
New mechanism for the observed inclusive B -> η'X decay is suggested. We argue that the dominant contribution to this amplitude is due to the Cabbibo favored b -> c̅cs process followed by the transition c̅c -> η'. A large magnitude of the "intrinsic charm" component of η' is of critical importance in our approach. Our results are consistent with an unexpectedly large Br(B -> η'+X) ∼ 10^-3 recently announced by CLEO. We stress the uniqueness of this channel for 0^-+ gluonia search.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.80.438 fatcat:jp6usmtw3vazjd536vv4w55mga