Multi-objective simultaneous placement of DG and DSTATCOM using novel lightning search algorithm
Yuvaraj Thangaraj, Ravi Kuppan
Journal of Applied Research and Technology
In this proposed study, a new long term scheduling is proposed for simultaneous placement of Distributed Generation (DG) and Distribution STATic COMpensator (DSTATCOM) in the radial distribution networks. The proposed work has a unique multi-objective function which consists of minimizing power loss, and total voltage deviation (TVD), as well as maximizing the voltage stability index (VSI) subject to equality and inequality system constraints. The multi-objective problem has been solved by a
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... el metaheuristic optimization algorithm called as lightning search algorithm (LSA). In the proposed approach, the feeder loads are varied linearly from light load (0.5) to peak load (1.6) with a step size of 1%. In each load step, the optimal sizing for DG and DSTATCOM are calculated by LSA. Through curve fitting technique (CFT), the optimal sizing for both DG and DSTATCOM per load level is formulated in the form of generalized equation. The proposed generalized equation will help the distribution network operators (DNOs) to select the DG and DSTATCOM sizes according to the load changes. The proposed method is tested on two test systems of 33-bus and 69-bus in different cases. (Y. Thangaraj). Peer Review under the responsibility of Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Different benefits of simultaneous allocation of DSTATCOM and DG in the RDS including reducing system power loss, voltage profile enhancement, power factor correction, load balancing, power quality improvement, on-peak operating costs reduction, releasing the overloading of distribution lines, system stability improvement, pollutant emission reduction, and increased overall energy efficiency. The power import from the substation can be reduced by using optimal generation of real and reactive power from DG and DSTATCOM in RDS thus controls feeder power flows. The optimal placement of DG and DSTAT-COM regulate the real and reactive power flows respectively in the RDS. So the system total power loss has been decreased with good voltage profile enhancement. In recent times, the integration of DGs has considerably increased in the RDS. The term "Distributed" or "Dispersed" Generation (DG) is described as small electric power generation that is directly linked to the systems.