Holmes Coote
1858 The Lancet  
Having alluded to a fallacy which formerly existed in the profession respecting the curability or non-curability of syphilis by mercury being a test for the disease, he admitted that many cases, under favourable circumstances, might be cured without the administration of a particle of the mineral, and considered that where it was administered we should have a clear understanding of the object we have in view. 1. Is it to expedite the healing of the sore? M. Ricord's experience was that, used
more » ... iscriminately, it took longer to cure cases of syphilis with than without mercury; and M. Devergie's observations tended to the same result. In certain cases, however,-as where much induration exists,-experience agrees that mercury is useful. 2. How far does the mercurial treatment of the primary disease influence the frequency of the secondary symptoms ? The records of the army surgeons given by Mr. Bacot, and including a large number of cases, show that the proportion in which secondary symptoms occur after the use of mercury, and without the use of mercury, is as 1 : 7. As, however, a large number of cases, if left to themselves, as proved by ex.
doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(02)70090-1 fatcat:glujgkvjknfqveslg7mrssyu4y