Adaptive restoration of airborne Daedalus AADS1268 ATM thermal data

Ding Yuan, Edwin L. Doak, Paul Guss, Alan Will, Xavier P. Maldague, Andres E. Rozlosnik
2002 Thermosense XXIV  
To incorporate the georegistration and restoration processes into airborne data processing in support of U.S. Department of Energy's nuclear emergency response task, we developed an adaptive restoration filter for airborne Daedalus AADS1268 ATM thermal data based on the Wiener filtering theory. Preliminary assessment shows that this filter enhances the detectability of small weak thermal anomalies in AADS1268 thermal images.
doi:10.1117/12.459626 fatcat:l7j5nsccovc6znezqnzd5whm5i