"I Have Become Young Again" Music, Language, Movement: Artistic and Pedagogical Opportunities for People in Advanced Age "I Have Become Young Again" Music, Language, Movement: Artistic and Pedagogical Opportunities for People in Advanced Age

Christine Schönherr, Coloman Kallós, Christine Schönherr, Coloman Kallós
Prof. Elisabeth Danuser: Director of Further Education at Zurich University of the Arts. Director of the Bachelor course in Music and Movement for 15 years. Teacher of didactics and practice of music and movement for people of all ages and for people with special needs. Long term experience with music and movement in schools and homes for behaviourally disturbed and disabled children; creative work with people of all ages; further training in music and movement in education and special
more » ... . Publications (Academia Verlag DE): Musik und Bewegung, Struktur und Dynamik der Unterrichtsgestaltung, Musik greif-, spür-, hör-und sichtbar, Über den Umgang mit schwierigen Situationen in der Musikalischen Grundausbildung, and Groove Pack Basic.