Investigating the Solutions for Customers' Satisfaction of Rural Cooperatives Stores in Terms of Market Turmoil

Monuchehr Bababeik, Morad Alivand, Freidoon Salimi, Hossein Soleimani
2015 European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences   unpublished
The present study aimed at investigating the solutions for customers' satisfaction of rural cooperatives stores in terms of market turmoil. Based on Cochran sample size formula, 385 individuals were chosen for this study. Sampling was randomly done from the customers of the rural consumption stores in the province of Lorestan. Data was collected through field method and "Construction Researcher" questionnaire. To measure the responses "5-point Likert scale" was used. The questionnaire validity
more » ... as confirmed by the professors and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha as 0.855. 213 respondents were male and 172 were female. At the beginning of data analysis, data fitting was confirmed. The researchers concluded that the availability of services, granting special privileges, fast service and providing free services significantly influence on customers' satisfaction in terms of market turmoil. But, the impact of accountability on customers' satisfaction was not confirmed.