Reddening and Star Formation in Starburst Galaxies

Daniela Calzetti
1997 Astronomical Journal  
The reddening properties and the star formation history of a sample of 19 starburst galaxies are investigated using multiwavelength spectroscopy and infrared broad band photometry. The difference in reddening between the ionized gas and the stars is explained as difference in the covering factors of the dust in front of the gas and of the stars. A "template starburst spectrum", derived by combining the reddening-corrected UV, optical, and infrared data of all the galaxies in the sample, is used
more » ... to investigate the star formation history. Spectral synthesis models indicate that the observed UV emission can be attributed to a stellar population which is undergoing active star formation at a constant rate since ~ 20 Myr, in agreement with the supernova rates derived from the [FeII] emission line in the infrared. At least two, and probably more, intermediate age populations (age < 2 Gyr) contribute to the optical and infrared emission, while populations older than 2 Gyr do not contribute significantly to the template. Episodic star formation over the last Gyr is suggested, with star formation rates as large as or larger than the present rates. The synthetic stellar populations are generated according to an Initial Mass Function (IMF) with Salpeter slope (alpha=2.35) in the mass range 0.1--100 solar masses, and reproduce a number of observational constraints, such as the spectral energy distribution of the template spectrum, the equivalent width of the atomic hydrogen emission lines, and the mass-to-light ratios; the data, then, do not provide indication for a high-mass-star truncated or a low-mass-star deficient IMF in starburst galaxies.
doi:10.1086/118242 fatcat:dufqausqgvgifg4kc33x3ew3ne