Empirical Insights on Cloud Services for Machine Learning Applications

Adrian MICU, Marius GERU, Angela-Eliza MICU, Alexandru CAPATINA, Constantin AVRAM, Robert RUSU
2020 Annals of Dunarea de Jos University. Fascicle I : Economics and Applied Informatics  
As the volume of data increases, becomes more complex and valuable, people's limited capabilities present real challenges in deciphering and interpreting an increasingly unpredictable economic environment. In essence, Machine Learning is the artifact of artificial intelligence generated and shared mainly by the technological environment, where almost any information can be documented, measured and stored digitally, thus becoming data that can be processed to generate actionable information
more » ... ble in multiple spheres. of activity. The aim of this research is a comparative analysis of the main cloud services available for Machine Learning algorithms. The research results offer a dynamic vision to the researchers involved in the FutureWeb project, who are looking for the most efficient cloud platforms for the services offered by the AI Media platform.
doi:10.35219/eai15840409110 fatcat:46rcafbcjza4flq2asnhpt2kwm