Integral Equations in the General Theory of Light Absorption and Scattering
Intehral"ni rivnyannya v zahal"nij teoriyi pohlynannya i rozsiyannya svitla metalevymy nanoklasteramy

P.M. Tomchuk, V.M. Starkov, D.V. Butenko
2017 Ukrainian Journal of Physics  
The problem of light absorption and scattering has been reduced to the solution of a singular integral equation for the complex vector of electric field intensity inside a nanoparticle. The dipole approximation is chosen as the initial one. The results of computing experiments testify to an acceptable agreement between the approach proposed for the consideration of the electric field inside a spherical nanoparticle and the results available for the optical and emission properties of metal
more » ... usters. K e y w o r d s: metal nanoclusters, optical properties, integral equation, computing experiment.
doi:10.15407/ujpe62.08.0705 fatcat:3ayoqekg7bc4hfq5fzhhg34ahq