Rapidity evolution of gluon TMD from low to moderate x

Andrey Tarasov
2016 Proceedings of XXIII International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering — PoS(DIS2015)   unpublished
We study how the rapidity evolution of gluon transverse momentum dependent distribution changes from nonlinear evolution at small x 1 to linear evolution at moderate x ∼ 1. B Propagators in the shock-wave background 59 B.1 Propagators with one point in the shock wave 60 B.1.1 Scalar propagator 60 B.1.2 Gluon propagator and vertex of gluon emission 61 B.2 Propagators with both points outside the shock wave 63 B.2.1 Scalar propagator 63 B.2.2 The emission vertex 64 B.2.3 Gluon propagator in the
more » ... ock-wave background 65 B.2.4 Gluon emission vertex 66 1 P 2 +2iF µν , see appendix A.
doi:10.22323/1.247.0090 fatcat:kvfzdfcwlzhz5gv6ljlvevsq6m