Localisation and mass generation for non-Abelian gauge fields

Mikko Laine, Harvey B Meyer, Kari Rummukainen, Mikhail Shaposhnikov
2003 Journal of High Energy Physics  
It has been suggested recently that in the presence of suitably "warped" extra dimensions, the low-energy limit of pure gauge field theory may contain massive elementary vector bosons localised on a "brane", but no elementary Higgs scalars. We provide non-perturbative evidence in favour of this conjecture through numerical lattice measurements of the static quark-antiquark force of pure SU(2) gauge theory in three dimensions, of which one is warped. We consider also warpings leading to massless
more » ... localised vector bosons, and again find evidence supporting the perturbative prediction, even though the gauge coupling diverges far from the brane in this case.
doi:10.1088/1126-6708/2003/01/068 fatcat:xxzumtna4bbi5dr5voqibmzkzy