A Seven-Year Review and Assessment of Lawrence Technological University's Alternative Energy Engineering Program Initially Funded Through Grants From the State of Michigan

Robert Fletcher
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings   unpublished
Lawrence Technological University applied for and received two funding grants from the State of Michigan in 2003 and 2004 to develop curriculum and to establish courses in the field of Alternative Energy Engineering. Lawrence Tech in 2003 was one of five schools in Michigan to receive these initial funds. This paper reviews the decision making process originally used to establish the curriculum, the engineering courses developed through these grants, the establishment of an Alternative Energy
more » ... gineering laboratory, and the subsequent evolution of the Alternative Energy Engineering program into a full energy program housed within the mechanical engineering department at Lawrence Tech. An evaluation of the existing program curriculum is also included. A summary and discussion of the benefits to Lawrence Tech from this now well established, but still evolving program are also presented. These benefits include how this program has assisted in the school's recruitment of new engineering students, provided opportunities for collaborative work with other colleges within Lawrence Technological University as well as with local commercial industries, enhanced student senior design projects, lead to other grant funded opportunities, and how it has also directly lead to significant research opportunities for both graduate and undergraduate engineering students. Job and long-term career opportunities for recent graduates involved with the energy program are also discussed. Lastly, a discussion is included regarding what changes and additions that are planned for the energy program at Lawrence Tech to keep the program vibrant and adapting to the ongoing knowledge and understanding needs of today's engineering graduates.
doi:10.18260/1-2--17382 fatcat:sr5voeyierfj3avuw75m5vsafy