Sudden exposure to sand bath as a cause of death in Pullets

H Taddele, T Gebretinsae
2014 Ethiopian Veterinary Journal  
This case report describes sudden exposure of pullets as a cause of death. Initially, 441 rearing chicken were kept in PTC+ Barneveld poultry farm of the Netherlands for training purpose. The cumulative mortality rate up to the 8 th week was 2.49%. However, due to sudden exposure of the pullets to sand bath in the 9 th week the mortality rate rises to 12.24%. A postmortem examination conducted on 15 dead pullets has revealed blood coagulation in the heart and hepatization of lungs. This finding
more » ... is associated with the sudden exposure of the pullets to sand bath which scared the birds and resulted in gathering to one corner of the house. This in turn resulted in shortage of oxygen and high concentration of CO 2 leading to the sudden death. This case report justifies the consequence of a minor problem in management resulting in higher mortality rate. Therefore, serious attention should be given to climatic factors, behavior and reaction of birds to new management practices.
doi:10.4314/evj.v17i2.10 fatcat:uxhctgkq4bhongcw4tpqgi2nra