Is barricade building behavior linked to pair formation in the dotillid crab Ilyoplax pusilla?

Mari Ohata, Keiji Wada
2008 Crustacean Research  
Ily o p lα x p u s i l lαh a s been k n o w n to exhibit a unique mudusing territorial behavior termed barricade building. M o s t of the barricade builders are large males that can pair with females, which suggests that the barricade is built b y males to aid courtship. W e conducted this study to clarify whether the barricade building improves mating success. Barricade abundance and waving frequency w a s highest in June, corresponding to the peak of male courtship behavior. Males that paired
more » ... with females built barricades significantly m o r e frequently than did neighboring males that did not pair with females. These results suggest that barricading in I. p u s i l lα enhances in pair formation.
doi:10.18353/crustacea.37.0_63 fatcat:4ld2tntklbeatef7dqg2mfa4ey