Estimation of Delay and Fuel loss during Idling of Vehicles at Signalised Intersection in Ahmedabad City

Dhvani Patel, Rena Shukla
The consumption of fuel is on the increase in metropolitan cities due to enhanced trip lengths, shift of modal share towards personalized modes of travel and congested intersections. When the vehicles are waiting for their turn to clear the intersection, the drivers normally keep the engines of their vehicle on and this result in extra fuel consumption. Small amount of fuel wasted, aggregated over number of cycles per day, number of days per year and number of signalized intersections in a huge
more » ... quantity of fuel. Swastik cross road intersection has been selected in this study to ascertain fuel loss during idling of vehicles. It is found that 63.53 liters of petrol, 33 liters of diesel and 73.30 kg of CNG is being wastage everyday due to idling of vehicles at Swastik intersection. Convert it in to monetary terms shows that at only this one intersection fuel of around Rs. 9000 lost per four hour of day. If extent this figure up to whole year than it comes out that around Rs. 3.25 million lost due to idling of vehicles at swastik intersection. After the estimation of remedial measures, A total fuel of Rs. 3.11 million can save annually.