Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare Experience in Management Of Cancer Patient's Treatment During COVID -19 Pandemic Lockdown Of Qatif Governorate

Huda Alsayedahmed
2020 Open Access Journal of Oncology and Medicine  
COVID-19 pandemic is a serious ongoing global public health crisis. It significantly impacted healthcare systems ability to deliver effective and timely cancer treatment. Cancer patients are at increased risk of death from corona virus. It is essential to continue the healthcare of cancer-patients who reside in a lockdown-zone. Therefore, redeployment of healthcare resources and strategies is vital. Objective: To highlight JHAH efforts in initiating a remote cancer-therapy infusion center in a
more » ... ockdown-zone located in Qatif governorate, Saudi Arabia, during March to April 2020, to ensure the continuation of quality evidence-based oncology treatment to eligible patients in a timely manner. Methods: JHAH medical staff residing in Qatif, already under lockdown as precautionary measures, was redeployed to work in a contracted private hospital (Al Zahra General Hospital; ZGH). To provide the required treatment for JHAH cancer patient who were banned from exiting the lockdown-zone and receiving cancer-treatment at the oncology centre in Dhahran. Oncology treatment team reviewed treatment protocols for all scheduled cancer patients. Patients had the required laboratory tests in ZGH, ahead of treatment date. If the results were acceptable, treatment orders were released, and pharmacy prepared the medications for next day appointments. Medications were delivered to ZGH in Qatif governorate, where JHAH medical team administered them and provided the appropriate care. Results: 116 JHAH cancer patients received various treatments safely as planned in ZGH. Despite an ongoing global pandemic, the care delivery efforts of the oncology team at JHAH resulted in a patient satisfaction rate above 92%. Conclusions: Our experience showed that delivering quality care for cancer patients under lockdown was feasible and successful. A well-established healthcare system with supportive leadership, multidisciplinary teamwork and a passion to provide quality and effective service to cancer patients are essential for continuity of care during a pandemic event. Volume 3 -Issue 5 Copyrights @ Huda Alsayedahmed, et al. Open Acc J Oncol Med 323 COVID-19 posed a significant challenge to the global medical community. The ongoing pandemic is alerting leaders of healthcare systems to be continuously prepared for such crisis. This would include having sufficient resources available at all times for unforeseen public health challenges. In this study, JHAH put together maximum efforts to guarantee continuing cancer treatment with efficient healthcare services for patients affected by lockdown, which were successfully achieved. Conclusions Access to care and access to treatment during the COVID-19 crisis, especially for high-risk patients, such as cancer patients, is a huge challenge internationally. Assessment of the relative risks and benefits of continuing, versus delaying anti-cancer therapies during a pandemic is fundamental to continue safe delivery of cancer-care. Efficient redeployment of a healthcare infrastructure and resources can contribute to better cancer outcomes. Despite the challenges, the JHAH cancer institute has shown that with concerted efforts, it turned the lockdown to an advantage by assigning medical staff residing in the area, and collaborated with a local hospital to establish a temporary "satellite cancer treatment center". This enabled JHAH to continue treating more than 100 cancer patients over a period of about 7 weeks. Such process is necessary to consider as a backup plan in case of future catastrophe. In addition, it is worthy to deliberate a well-organized, remote cancertreatment center for localities far away from Dhahran to decrease the hardship of patients by serving them close to where they live.
doi:10.32474/oajom.2020.03.000174 fatcat:hwxa5sf4qjbrfpnoptaterrm4q