Olha Datskiv
2016 Naukovì Zapiski Ternopìlʹsʹkogo Nacìonalʹnogo Pedagogìčnogo Unìversitetu Imenì Volodimira Gnatûka. Serìâ: Pedagogìka  
The article analyses the problem of forming future English teachers' listening competence as an important component of future English teachers' communicative competence. The requirements for future English teachers' listening competence at the beginning stage of the university course have been determined. Dramatization has been considered as a means of forming future English teachers' listening skills and it has been defined as interaction of a lecturer and students in drama games, role plays,
more » ... mprovisations, simulations and theatre projects aimed at forming the students' communicative competence. The appropriateness of using different forms of dramatization for forming the second year students' listening skills has been substantiated, the students' listening skills have been determined. The complex of exercises for forming the students' listening skills while learning the topic "Work and Employment" has been suggested. The structure of the complex has been outlined, the types and kinds of exercises have been described. The examples of exercises have been given. The exercises of the complex are aimed at simultaneous development of speaking, listening and writing skills of the future English teachers.
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