Distributed discrete-event simulation

Jayadev Misra
1986 ACM Computing Surveys  
Traditional discrete-event simulations employ an inherently sequential algorithm. In practice, simulations of large systems are limited by this sequentiality, because only a modest number of events can be simulated. Distributed discrete-event simulation (carried out on a network of processors with asynchronous message-communicating capabilities) is proposed as an alternative; it may provide better performance by partitioning the simulation among the component processors. The basic distributed
more » ... mulation scheme, which uses time encoding, is described. Its major shortcoming is a possibility of deadlock. Several techniques for deadlock avoidance and deadlock detection are suggested. The focus of this work is on the theory of distributed discrete-event simulation.
doi:10.1145/6462.6485 fatcat:57gvjoep6bb2ne5kyg3rgmul3m