Impact different Level of Calcium Carbonate (CaCo3) on Growth and yield of Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus Spp.)

Berivan Abdulkhaliq ghareeb
2019 International Journal of Engineering and Technology  
This experiment was conducted in the Horticulture department of Raparin University from 21 December to 15 February, to study the effect of different levels of calcium carbonate (CaCO 3 ) on growth and yield of Oyster Mushroom. This experiment included the study of 4 levels of lime (CaCO 3 ), 0, 10, 15, and 20 g/15 kg with 3 replications. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications and six treatments. The effect of lime relates to the pH of the
more » ... ia that mushroom grows in it. The pH is an important factor for good production of Oyster mushroom. Most mushrooms grow and yield well at the pH close to light basic or neutral. Lime (CaCO 3 ) is an effective and necessary ingredient in the cultivation of mushroom and commercial cultivation of mushroom depends on the proper adjustment of the substrate pH. Most of the substrates that are used for the mushroom cultivation have pH almost close to neutral.
doi:10.21817/ijet/2019/v11i4/191104050 fatcat:y2rpndkju5fcrb6n2o5ipu7t64