Исследование славянского пергамена методами спектроскопии комбинационного рассеяния света и люминесцентной спектроскопии

Д.В. Панькин, М.В. Корогодина, А.В. Поволоцкая, A.A. Михайлова, В.Г. Подковырова, Е.А. Тилева, И.В. Цевелева, А.Г. Сергеев, А.В. Курочкин
2021 Оптика и спектроскопия  
In the present article the pigments palette of a parchment handwritten fragment from the collection of Finnish fragments N 29 (Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Finnish fragment 29, old code - 4.9.28), dating from the XIV century, was investigated. This manuscript has not been restored earlier. With the aid of Raman spectroscopy technique it was found the use of cinnabar for red shades, the mixture of indigo and gypsum pigments in various ratios for blue shades and a mixture of
more » ... arsenic pigments (orpiment and pararealgar) for yellow shades. It was performed the study of the characteristic luminescence detection capability of the pigments at the real (non-model) samples, when excited by laser radiation of various wavelengths.
doi:10.21883/os.2021.01.50447.227-20 fatcat:rwnrxiazqvcnrnhacji2eedxyy