Rare Intra-Aortic Metastasis of Colon Carcinosarcoma: Case Report and Review of the Literature

Soulaimane Kandri Rody, Sanaa Laatitioui, M. Mayoussi, K. Laabid, D. Sounny Slitine, M. Elanigri, M. Darfaoui, I. Lalya, A. Elomrani, M. Khouchani
2022 SAS Journal of Medicine  
The aorta may be affected by primary and secondary tumors, as well as by nonneoplastic conditions that present as a periaortic mass. Secondary tumors of the great vessels are rare and malignant in the majority of cases. Because of their rare incidence, deep location, relatively silent initial growth, and both clinical and imaging manifestations that mimic thrombosis, the diagnosis of a secondary tumor of a large vessel can be a difficult challenge. We report a case of aortic metastasis from
more » ... omatoid carcinoma of the colon. This localization which remains a rare entity and often diagnosed at the metastatic stage. CT scan and transthoracic ultrasound were performed and showed moderate stenosis. The patient was operated. The pathological diagnosis was metastatic carcinosarcoma. We could not detect the origin of malignancy despite additional examinations. These findings emphasize the importance of a precise plan of action for these rare disease.
doi:10.36347/sasjm.2022.v08i10.007 fatcat:nt22fojxq5aybjwtarx7udrdfi