Rydberg-atom photoionization with and without the single-nmanifold approximation

R. Parzyński, M. Sobczak, A. Wójcik
2001 Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics  
In a wide basis of bound hydrogenic states (20рnр80, lр29), we simulate redistribution of the initial 50s state population by a nonresonant, optical-frequency pulse of the strength at which Rydberg-to-Rydberg Rabi frequencies exceed the pulse frequency. A small transient flow of the population out of the 50l manifold (l ϭ0,1,2,3,...) is observed and the effect of this n 50 redistribution on the formation of the photoionization signal from Rydberg states is calculated in the limit of weak
more » ... ree coupling. This n 50 redistribution is found to totally cancel the predictions of the single-n manifold approximation ͑nϭ50 in this case͒ in photoionization.
doi:10.1103/physreva.63.063413 fatcat:xxdz3wrnenfjfgey6jrxkygfw4