Stabilization to Plasticity Index by Deep Soil Mixing Using Vermiculite and Asphalt Emulsion

A.G Amarta, Hendry, A.K Somantri
2020 Proceedings of the International Seminar of Science and Applied Technology (ISSAT 2020)   unpublished
The most likely happen problem on embankment construction is settlement and land deformation even sliding because of loads. Those failures can be caused by embankment fail or subsoil fail and the triggers are overloading loads, low bearing capacity also high compressibility of the soil. To avoid high risk of soft clay's settlement, it is necessary to do improvement by increasing the stability using vermiculite and asphalt emulsion on Deep Soil Mixing method. Besides improving physical
more » ... , stabilization is expected to increase soil's resistance to load. Vermiculite is used to absorb excess water and increase soil volume, while asphalt emulsion is used to decrease soil plasticity index, it also acts as an adhesive substance. The decreasing of soil's water content and particle bonding increase will also strengthen the stability of soil. Vermiculite varies from 3%, 5%, to 7%, and constant 8% of asphalt emulsion for all testing sample. This research is using soft soil by the classification corresponding to Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), a quantitative experimental physical testing method, and mechanical testing. It is resulting that the soil is a fat clay with high plasticity, and the optimum mixture is on 5% of vermiculite by decreasing 61,93% of the PI.
doi:10.2991/aer.k.201221.052 fatcat:443lznjbenehbcc3zjjyw4vo3q