The Daily Texan [article]

University Of Texas At Austin, Austin, The University Of Texas At
House ratifies a United Press International W ASHINGTON -Defying Presi dent Reagan, the House W ednesday night overwhelmingly approved a res olution calling on the two superpowers to negotiate a mutual, verifiable freeze on nuclear weapons. The 278-149 vote came following more than 45 hours of sometimes acri monious debate spread over seven weeks, with both Republicans and Democrats claiming their concerns had been met, and after Republicans agreed to drop consideration of more than 30 pending
more » ... mendments. The resolution calls on the United States and the Soviet Union to negoti ate an "im m ediate mutual and verifi able freeze" on production, develop ment and deploym ent of nuclear weapons, then reduce their nuclear arsenals. President Reagan, who repeatedly warned that passage of the resolution would tie the hands of U.S. arms nego tiators and send the wrong m essage to the Soviets, had no com m ent on the vote. Shortly before the final talk , licans succeeded in attaching language to the resolution that would allow a time limit on how long a negotiated freeze would remain in effect without arms reductions. Rep. William Broomfield, R-Mich , ranking Republican on the House For eign Affairs Committee and the leader of the freeze opposition, said the adop tion of more than 30 am endm ents dur ing six days of debate "really pointed out the im perfection" of the original freeze resolution. Patricia Haynes (I), a graduate student in Latin Ameri can studies, dances with Michael Carmona during a se ries of dances on the West Mall Wednesday. The two are a part of El Grupo de Danza y Arte Folklórico dance troupe. The dances were sponsored by the Chicano Culture Committee. Department panel dissolved By LAURA FISHER Daily Texan Staff Citing "irreconcilable differences" among committee members, Robert King, dean of the College of Liberal Arts, has dissolved the Department of Governm ent's executive committee. In a letter to Charles Cnudde, departm ent chairman, King said Monday, It is my judgment that the operation of the Department of Governm ent has deteriorated because of irre concilable differences within the m embership of the execu tive com m ittee." King also said he has requested and received UT President Peter Flawn's approval to invoke Chapter II, Section 8, Para graph 4 of the UT H an d book o f O perating Procedures, which states that a dean may determ ine " . . . that a change in the budget council organization is essential to the effective administration of the d epartm ent." Under such circum stances, the H a n d b oo k states, a dean may request the approval of the UT president to establish a temporary departmental budget com mittee. This temporary com mittee may operate for up to three years, during which time the departm ent's budget council may be reorganized according to H a n d b oo k guidelines.
doi:10.26153/tsw/33401 fatcat:5wbasob6pnfzplce27oiz2gate