Hardware-software run-time systems and robotics: a case study

V.J. Mooney, D. Ruspini, O. Khatib, G. De Micheli
Proceedings. 24th EUROMICRO Conference (Cat. No.98EX204)  
We present a sample im,plementation of a run-time scheduler, split betureen, h>arduiare and softuiare: controlling a real-time robotics application. Xh.e hm-duiare part of th,e ru.n-time sch.eduler. implemented as a Finite State Machine (FSM). sch#edules th,e tasks for th,e application, and can be readily exten,ded to include additional tasks i n hardware or in softmare. Th.e softuiare part executes tasks based on. uhich? tasks are ready to execute as in,dicated by the F S M . We h,ave
more » ... lly implemented the scheduler o n a uiorking prototype which, sh!ouis the feasibility of our approach,.
doi:10.1109/eurmic.1998.711791 dblp:conf/euromicro/RuspiniKM98 fatcat:qazjf7xt7vevvbdd3i5scnaslq