Statistical And Signal Processing Concepts In Surface Metrology

E L. Church, P. Z. Takacs, Gregory M. Sanger
1986 Optical Manufacturing, Testing and Aspheric Optics  
fliis paper proposes the use of a staple two-scale model of surface roughness for testing and specifying the topographic figurs and finish of synchrotron-radiation mirrors. In this approach the effects of figure and finish are described in terns of their slope distribution and power spectrum, respectively., which are then canbined -with the system point spread function to produce a canposite image. The result can te used to predict mirror performance or to translate design requirements into
more » ... facturing specifications. Pacing problems in this approach are the development of a practical long-trace slope-profiling instrument aid realistic statistical models for figure and finish errors.
doi:10.1117/12.964495 fatcat:yabpfnoahbggtj2eajpdfjj2fa