The association of diabetes mellitus and insulin treatment with expression of insulin-related proteins in breast tumors

Heleen K. Bronsveld, Marie L. De Bruin, Jelle Wesseling, Joyce Sanders, Ingrid Hofland, Vibeke Jensen, Marloes T. Bazelier, Bas ter Braak, Anthonius de Boer, Peter Vestergaard, Marjanka K. Schmidt
2018 BMC Cancer  
The insulin receptor (INSR) and the insulin growth factor 1 receptor (IGF1R) play important roles in the etiology of both diabetes mellitus and breast cancer. We aimed to evaluate the expression of hormone and insulin-related proteins within or related to the PI3K and MAPK pathway in breast tumors of women with or without diabetes mellitus, treated with or without insulin (analogues).
doi:10.1186/s12885-018-4072-8 pmid:29486734 pmcid:PMC6389252 fatcat:zc2it677ybecrj3whlch6dunty