Research on Moving Object Tracking under Occlusion Conditions

Jin Sun, Yi Wang
2009 2009 International Conference on Management and Service Science  
With the development of information fusion, a new theory based on Dezert-Smarandache Theory (DSmT) was widely applied to lots of aspects. Owing to the difficulty of handling conflict evidence combination when tracking multiple moving objects under occlusion conditions, a DSmT method with anti-occluding objects tracking in complex background is proposed based on occlusion judgment prediction, and the corresponding computing examples of generating hyper-power sets and tracking under different
more » ... uding conditions are analyzed and discussed in this paper. Calculation results show that the method is proven to be correct and effective in tracking occluded objects. When analyzing multi-objects tracking under very complex environment, it will lay a firm foundation for further solving information fusion of conflict evidences.
doi:10.1109/icmss.2009.5302296 fatcat:mi452vjctjg7bmzbr5ycannzpm