Willingness to home based HIV counseling and testing service among residents in Chagni town administration and Guangua wereda, West Amhara region

Bogale Tessema
HIV/ AIDS continue to be a major global health priority. HIV counseling and testing is a key strategic entry point to prevention, treatment, care and support services. But according to EDHS 2005 voluntary HIV counseling and testing utilization in Ethiopia is low; this means: people living with HIV get testing and counseling only when they already have advanced clinical disease. Assessing willingness of home based HIV counseling and testing service is essential for promoting, expanding and
more » ... ing HIV counselling and testing service to the community. Objective: To assess willingness to home based HIV counseling and testing service among residents in Chagni town administration and Guangua wereda. Methodology: Cross-sectional household survey both quantitative and qualitative methods was conducted from August 2010 to June 2011. Result: A total of 480 study participants were included in the study with the response rate of 99.6%. Of the total respondents 243(50.6%) were females. The mean age of the respondents was 30 years (±sd 9). This study also indicated that 445(92.7%) the respondents were willing to undergo HIV counselling and testing at home. Multivariate analysis showed that study participants who ever had HIV test, participants who knew availability of VCT service in their locality and respondents who ever had sexual intercourse have statistically significant association with willingness to have HIV test at home. But only 190 (39.6%) respondents ever had HIV test. The main reasons of HIV test were to know self status and to plan future life, on the other hand the main reasons for not had HIV test were self and partner trust followed by fear to know results. Multivariate analysis showed that being married, individuals who had good knowledge about HIV/AIDS and individuals who had none stigmatizing and discriminating attitude were more likely to utilize VCT service. Conclusion and Recommendation: Even though majority of the study participants were willing to undergo HIV counseling and testing at h [...]
doi:10.20372/nadre/13893 fatcat:olm4s3yluvhcxh7fk3sfwjn5y4