S.T. Omelchuk, A.V. Blagaya, M.V. Kondratyuk, T.V. Hyrenko
2019 Medical Science of Ukraine (MSU)  
Relevance. Taking into account the widespread application of plant protection products in soybean cultivation, there is a need for research aimed at hygienic evaluation of the potential danger of soybean crop contamination after pesticide and in particular insecticides application. Objective of the study is a hygienic evaluation of insecticides content dynamics in plants after application on soya crops. Materials and methods. Materials – active ingredients of the studied insecticidal
more » ... s, soya plants (verdurous mass, beans and seeds). Full-scale in-field hygienic experiment, high-performance liquid chromatography, gas-liquid chromatography, statistical methods were used in the study. Results. The highest concentration of active substances was determined in green plants, if processing had been performed at an early stage of plant formation (acetamipride – 0.63 mg/kg, fenproximate – 0.41 mg/kg, thiamethoxam – 0.21 mg/kg). In the case of twice repeated applications, the largest amount of pesticides was determined in beans and seeds (alpha-cypermethrin – 0.51 mg/kg, chlorpyrifos, tebufenpyrad – 0.35 mg/kg). As the culture ripened and the formation of beans and seeds took place, the content of active substances gradually decreased and after 20-25 days residues were found at or below the limit of determination for the corresponding methods. Conclusions. The redidues of alpha-cypermethrin, bifenthrin, chlorpyrifos cypermethrin, tebufenpyrad, phenpyroximate, acetamiprid, thiamethoxam in plants, beans and soybean seeds gradually decreased and did not exceed established hygienic standards by the harvesting period in field studies. It is proved that if to follow the established hygienic and agrotechnical regulations for its application, the studied insecticides dissipate or decompose in crop plants during one vegetative season and do not pose a potential risk to the health of consumers.
doi:10.32345/2664-4738.3-4.2019.11 fatcat:55hzxhwcdfg7lasnlirj7s7z4i