Comprehensive Centralized-Data Warehouse for Managing Malaria Cases

Nova Eka, Aan Kardiana
2015 International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications  
Tanah Bumbu is one of the most endemic areas in Indonesia for patients diagnosed with malaria diseases. Currently, available malaria case data were stored in disparate sources. Hence, it is difficult for the public health department to quickly and easily gather the useful information for determining strategic actions in tackling these cases. The purpose of this research is to build a data warehouse that integrates all malaria cases from disparate sources. This malaria data warehouse is a
more » ... ized architecture of galaxy or constellation scheme that consists of three fact tables and 13 dimension tables. SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) is utilized to build ETL packages that load data from various sources to stages, dimensions, and fact tables in malaria data warehouse. Finally, a timely report can be generated by extracting the salient information located in malaria data warehouse.
doi:10.14569/ijacsa.2015.061005 fatcat:rapqokvvvjdofbffiltalnnjdi