The Effect of Grass Lipids on Fiber Digestion by Mixed Rumen Microorganisms in vitro

1993 Nihon Chikusan Gakkaiho  
The removal of lipids from grass powder significantly increased NDF digestibility of grass by mixed rumen microorganisms. When the lipids from the grass were adsorbed to the grass residue (grass powder from which lipids were removed), NDF digestion decreased to a value less than that of the original grass powder. These results indicate that grass lipids have an inhibitory effect on the growth or activity of fibrolytic bacteria. The growth of protozoa and bacteria was also suppressed by grass
more » ... ids: sensitivity to lipids was higher for protozoa, cellulolytic bacteria, and other bacteria in this order. Galactolipids and phospholipids, the main lipids of grass, were principally responsible for the inhibition. This is probably due to fatty acids,
doi:10.2508/chikusan.64.121 fatcat:tjiynluyife5xmdzh54fxmv6qi