Effect of Process Parameters on Morphology of Electrospun PVA Nanofibers

Yüksel İKİZ
2009 Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences  
PVA (poly-vinyl-alcohol) solutions in different concentrations and viscosities were prepared and electrospinned to produce nanofibers. SEM images of nanofibers were taken and effect of process parameters (viscosity, voltage and tip to collector distance) were observed. Results showed that increasing viscosity, decreasing tip to collector distance caused thicker nanofiber diameters. Besides, increasing voltage and decreasing tip to collector distance had impact on fiber uniformity causing higher
more » ... deviations. Decreasing tip to collector distance shortened flying time of the polymer solution, so evaporation of solvent. As a result nanofibers could not dried and branched to produce thinner fiber diameters. The minimum nanofiber diameter 85 nm and the maximum nanofiber diameter 453 nm were measured. AFM images showed that fibers have cylindirical shape
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