Discovering Emerging Topics in Social Streams via Link-Anomaly Detection

Toshimitsu Takahashi, Ryota Tomioka, Kenji Yamanishi
2014 IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering  
Detection of emerging topics are now receiving renewed interest motivated by the rapid growth of social networks. Conventional term-frequency-based approaches may not be appropriate in this context, because the information exchanged are not only texts but also images, URLs, and videos. We focus on the social aspects of theses networks. That is, the links between users that are generated dynamically intentionally or unintentionally through replies, mentions, and retweets. We propose a
more » ... model of the mentioning behaviour of a social network user, and propose to detect the emergence of a new topic from the anomaly measured through the model. We combine the proposed mention anomaly score with a recently proposed change-point detection technique based on the Sequentially Discounting Normalized Maximum Likelihood (SDNML), or with Kleinberg's burst model. Aggregating anomaly scores from hundreds of users, we show that we can detect emerging topics only based on the reply/mention relationships in social network posts. We demonstrate our technique in a number of real data sets we gathered from Twitter. The experiments show that the proposed mentionanomaly-based approaches can detect new topics at least as early as the conventional term-frequency-based approach, and sometimes much earlier when the keyword is ill-defined.
doi:10.1109/tkde.2012.239 fatcat:illyjvwmrvcytcovvsnbaztcwe