استحداث تصمیمات زخرفیة من الفن الإفریقی لإثراء مجال المفروشات باستخدام الحاسب الآلی

ام محمد جابر السید, أفنان البسیمی
2020 مجلة العمارة والفنون والعلوم الإنسانية  
Assist Professor of Fashion Design-College of Designs -Qassim University Alaaafnan75@yahoo.com ‫والعلوم‬ ‫والفنون‬ ‫العمارة‬ ‫مجلة‬ ‫االنسانية‬ -‫الخامس‬ ‫المجلد‬ -‫والعشرين‬ ‫الثالث‬ ‫العدد‬ ‫سبتمبر‬ 2020 164 ‫المفتاحية:‬ ‫الكلمات‬ ‫تصميمات‬ ‫زخرفية،‬ ‫الفن‬ ‫اإلفري‬ ‫قی،‬ ‫المفروشات،‬ ‫اآللی‬ ‫الحاسب‬ Abstract: The purpose of the research is to study the history of African art to identify the characteristics and artistic and aesthetic features of it, to identify the most prominent forms of
more » ... ican art, which can be used in the decoration of furnishings, the development of decorative designs derived from African art, enriching the aesthetic value of furniture (curtains -pendants) using the computer, The specialists of decorative designs (curtains, pendants), which are ornamental and borrowed from African art, determine the degree of consumer acceptance of decorative designs (curtains, pendants), which are decorative and borrowed from African art, the implementation of some decorative designs derived from African art The research sample consisted of (65) individual distributed as follows: (15) individual distributed according to variables The study of the specialists, the teachers (professors, associate professors and assistant professors) to identify their views and assessments about the proposed designs, and (50) individual distributed according to the variables of research on consumers to identify their views on the proposed designs, Tools on the arbitration form proposed designs of specialists, arbitration form the proposed designs for consumers. The results were as follows: The layout of the proposed designs from the perspective of the specialists in the curtains is as follows: Design (6) The best designs in the grand total according to the opinions of specialists followed by design (9), design (15) followed by design (3) , design (5) The design of the pendants was as follows: Design (12) The best designs in the total were according to the opinions of the specialists followed by design (8), design (2), design (15) and design (5) The layout of the proposed designs from the point of view of consumers in the curtains is as follows: Design 15 The best designs were according to consumer opinions, followed by design (9), design (6), design (5), design (3) (2) were the best designs according to consumer opinions, followed by design (15), design (8), design (12) and design (5).
doi:10.21608/mjaf.2020.21309.1437 fatcat:gyi5ryfgf5bjdn7ipw5wei4dpq