Flow Calibration and Validation of Daechung Lake Watershed, Korea Using SWAT-CUP
SWAT-CUP을 이용한 대청호 유역 장기 유출 유량 보정 및 검증

Eun-Hyoung Lee, Dong-Il Seo
2011 Journal of Korea Water Resources Association  
SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model was calibrated for the flow rate of the Deachung lake with a large area of 3108.29 km 2 . Application of SWAT model requires significant number of input data and is prone to result in uncertainties due to errors in input data, model structure and model parameters. The SUFI-2 (Sequential Uncertainty Fitting Ver. 2) program and GLUE (Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation) program in SWAT-CUP (SWAT-Calibration and Uncertainty Program) are used to
more » ... select the best parameters for SWAT model. Optimal combination of parameter values was determined through 2,000 iterative SWAT model runs. The Nash-Sutcliffe values and R 2 values were 0.87 and 0.89 respectively indicating both methods show good agreements with observed data successfully. RMSE and MSE values also showed similar results for both programs. It seems the SWAT-CUP has a great practical appeal for parameter optimization especially for large basin area and it also can be used for less experienced SWAT model users.
doi:10.3741/jkwra.2011.44.9.711 fatcat:gmkp4khnuja5rpc5jrspnsgguy