Quietness Development for All-New Mazda3

Hajime Ito, Takuya Fujita, Sho Kurokawa, Kazuya Omori, Masaru Ishizuka, Takahiro Ueda
2019 Mazda Technical Review  
We would like occupants to enjoy relieved and fulfilling drive with recognition of exterior noise even when they are in a quite space. In the new Mazda3, we explored the mechanism how human beings sense sound, and realized the NV performance that is appropriate to the next generation vehicles by pursuing not only just "quietness", but also "high-quality quietness". Based on the concept that sound direction and settlement as well as loudness are important elements for sound recognition, we set a
more » ... new development index and target regarding temporal alteration in addition to the current loudness and sound direction. We established concepts of sound source, vibration transmission and air transmission to control them and using of New Construction and material to achieve the target, and realized "high-quality quietness" in cooperation with the related departments.
doi:10.34338/mazdagihou.36.0_96 fatcat:kupldvpnf5fanl7d3yticqe3um